Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Latest Hippity-Haps

(3/5 of my ninos back home. They all got SF shirts from aunt katie.)
Well hello.

My blogging output has been a bit slow lately because....holidays...and I'm rarely at my computer because my Ralph Lauren job takes me out and about....and other excuses...

So here's what's been going on!

I like my new 6-month Ralph Lauren job. I still feel like I'm getting my feet under me but within the first month (can you believe it's already been a month??) I've gone from "I don't know what I'm doing" to "no seriously what does all this new lingo mean" to "OK I'll get it with time" to "hey this is actually fun" to "I LOVE RIDING THE TRAIN TO WORK."

Seriously, the train is so fun.

I go up to the city (aka San Francisco) a couple times a week and the traffic + parking cost + extra miles on my 205K-miles ol' Honda (keep on chuggin', babycakes!) was starting to feel like a bit much. For some reason I was all nervous-pants about riding the train because I had to make a transfer in the middle and I don't know, slight panic. But I made myself do it, and man alive I LOVE IT. I look forward so much to train days! It always feels like an adventure, and I hope that never wears off.

My oatmeal just boiled over on the stove. #BRBgottafixallmyproblems

So, yeah. The Ralph Lauren job is lovely. I'm excited to go on my first work trip to Seattle, whenever that might be.

So many other things are lovely, too. My Christmas tree, Bruce Spruceteen, lives on (and I'll post a gallery of him soon, but not until the end of his life...heaven a final tribute). And I love him. I got new running shoes. And I love them. (They're gray, how could I not!) I have a space heater in my room (thanks for the Christmas present, parentals!) and I love it. California is gorgeous as ever, my Arizona trip for Christmas was just perfect, I put on my swimming trunks and rode my bicycle to the park yesterday to bask in the sun, I am listening to a fantastic audio book (Unbroken) on all those train rides, I got two new pairs of sweatpants and a whole bunch of gray socks, I actually cleaned up the clutter in my car and vacuumed it out in too-long-of-a-time-to-admit-in-public, and I have some super great goals for the new year that I'm excited to share soon.

Life is just super good, and I am super thriving.

And look, my nephew wanted to hold my hand on the way to the airport when I left AZ this week. How could life not be good?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your new running shoes! And congrats on your one month at Ralph Lauren!