Thursday, October 3, 2013

An open love letter.

When it comes to you and I, let us adventure. Let us read. Let us travel. Let us pause to look at libraries, oceans, caterpillars and sports stadiums with equal passion and awe. Let us laugh for hours about youtube videos, memes and inappropriate typos in textersations. Let us lose ourselves in the throb of live music and the energy of the crowd. Let us stay up too late watching "just one more episode." Let us make french fry runs at 1am. Let us quote homestar, heavyweights and harry potter. Let us paint the door blue and the ceiling gray. Let us take naps, oh yes please abundant naps. Let us push each other forward and let us keep each other young. Let us talk deep and let us talk shallow and let us realize the import of both. Let us keep each other's questions, doubts and worries safe. Let us ramble and let us be silent. Let us be the same and yet let us be different. Let us go out of our way to serve both friends and strangers. Let us be passionate about the human race. Let us pause to kiss unabashedly on street corners with wind in our hair and the sun in our eyes. Let us sail, fly, land and anchor. Let us drive out of our way on road trips to quirky cafes, legendary landmarks and Bigfoot Museums, and let us wear plaid and coonskin caps. Let us be fiercely independent, and yet let us place a hand always on the small of the back in a crowd, with every finger firmly saying safe, mine, don't worry, I'm here, I've got you.


  1. Um hi I'm in love with this post. That's all.

    p.s. come visit Zona soon. miss you katie girl.

  2. I love all of this... Can you be my next door neighbor please? Let us do the things in life that make us happy and help us to be better.

  3. Yes yes yes. So lovely. My heart feels all melty.

  4. You are a lovely writer. I always get happy when I see you've posted :)

  5. This is so beautiful - this is what love is all about. The moments, the tenderness, the silliness....just lovely xxx

  6. Job complete: I'm in love with you.

  7. Let me make your dreams
    Let me fight the silent scream
    Let me have your heart

  8. I meant to comment on this earlier, but you should know that I can't read it again to make the comment I intended to make. It makes me cry. Ugh. I want to write like you. Also I want you to tell me it will all be better soon because I think I would believe it if it came from you.

  9. Not only do I love every bit of this for obvious praiseworthy phraseology...but I love that it is an "Open Love" letter - that's how I took it. One open to give and receive love.

    If I might add an addition:
    Let us enjoy plush denim pillows.

    LOVE and MISS you!!!!


"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" - A Goofy Movie