i worried.
i stressed.
i fretted.
i despaired.
And now....i get a grip.
Maybe due to the fact that my older sister came to visit me for two whole days earlier this week and brought me tidings of Arizona joy...
Whatever the cause, i'm climbing up, up and out of the Provo hole i dug myself into. BYU is tough....real tough. But guess what? So am i. I'm sick of feeling like I'm in a constant academic competition...like my best isn't good enough.
Well guess what BYU? You don't know nothin' bout me.
Today I got an A on a midterm.
I worked, worked, worked for it.
I'm busy as a little bee.
I study, I eat, I work, I study, I sleep...and probably more eating in there.
Even if I have to come crawling out of this place with my diploma in hand....I still win. Even if I have straight C's....I still win.
Because they can grade my tests any ol' way they want to.
BYU challenges me...I challenge back.
It is winter outside.
Me and winter don't always get along....cold weather makes me a tad cranky.
But...every summer, it goes away. And every summer, I keep going.
I think that makes me a winner.
Somebody get me a trophy :)
Good things:
I got pink shoes. And green ones. I love being me.
I find my social calendar suddenly very open, and I'm reconnecting with friends.
The Temple is SO close to where I live. Happy day.
Praying works. Indeed.
I love my roommates. So much.
I like avocado.
This Saturday I start training to volunteer for the Make a Wish Foundation. When I went to Murray for my interview the castle-like building (The "Wishing Place") was so beautiful I got all teary-eyed. Pictures everywhere of sick children who got their wishes granted. And I get to do that! Me. I get to give that kind of happy.
Go to www.wish.org to read stories about these kids. You will cry.
This is Taylor, age 5. She has cancer. She wanted a playhouse.

This is Travis, age 4. He has leukemia. He wanted to meet Elvis in Hawaii.

When I graduate I hope to work for them. They have branches all over the place; the headquarters is in Phoenix. It's interesting how knowing WHY i want a degree makes school more bearable....no wonder all those med students out there are so motivated.
I graduate next August. My last couple classes will be online ones, so I can do WHATEVER I want next summer. I'm not doing EFY anymore.
Hence...I can stay in Provo, go home to Arizona, or whatever. Live in Europe or California or something.
My life is an open book.
Ready, set, go.
Hey. When you work for Make-A-Wish down here, can I help?? It has been one of my dreams to do that. I think you are amazing to do that. If you ever need help with that let me know....and I want you to know I am proud of you for working so hard up at provo. You will do great and you rock. Love yoU!
Your post just brought me out of my own black hole I've dug myself into today. Feeling quite refreshed.
I loved visiting you. Everything about it was wonderful. Even the avacados...which before, I didn't think I liked. I put them on our chicken tonight and will forevermore.
You inspire me.
I can't wait to hear about your training.
You failed to mention that both your pink and green pair of shoes have approximately three inch heels on them. At least. I think that's an important note to make.
Congrats on the midterm!!!
I love your new in-your-face-BYU attitude.
I love your optimism in everything you do! It's a good thing!
Hi Katie! I'm not even sure how I found your blog, it was a long chain, but I'm glad I did. Good to see you're doing well :)
That is so awesome Katie! Go girl!
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