Wednesday, December 31, 2008

summa cum bologna

Well, dearest amigos, I survived semester #1 at the illustrious Y university.

The count is A, two A-'s, one B+, one B-, and one C+.


Cumulative 3.69

Let's be honest...i expected much worse. I had some days/weeks where my highest hopes were to simply pass all my classes.

I feel entirely unashamed of myself, and since this is my blog, i reserve space for bragging rights now and again. And this is a now. Stay tuned for an again.

I figure it would be UNhealthy if i graduated college without at least one C on my record. I feel a little more human now. No more undue pressure to combat the evil curve...aka, compete against my fellow BYU students. If they want the 4.0's, they can take ' i choose life.

One more semester to go....just one :)
The forecast: Something like 19 credits....including an internship....a part-time job....Make a Wish....and all that snow to walk through.
Gonna be a doozy, kids.

Good thing i look awesome in a cap and gown.

Kuzko: "Sharp rocks at the bottom?"
Pacha: "Most Likely."

Kuzko: "...Bring it on."


The Ballard Family said...

Wonderful post. I choose life over lots of things every day. Glad to hear you're doing so as well.
I think you did amazingly well...I know you expected worse and I must say, I'm glad you exceeded your always feels nice.
So, yes, continue choosing life over stress and competition.
Continue choosing Peter Pan Peanut Butter over the other kinds.
And, most importantly, choose yoga booty ballet over running in the snow.

Mariah Grace said...

KT! Congrats on surviving your first semester ever at BYU! I am so glad you have joined the C's get degrees club. Keep on keepin on, sistah, and we are going to have so much fun in our class together next semester! Do you feel an A coming on? I sure do.

Lauren said...

Hey lady, had to say hello! Saw you on Danica's blog. How are you? I see you are at the Y! Fun! Did you do efy this last summer?

KP said...

so lukcy you only have one more semester...way to go girl!
i love reading your posts. you're such a good writer! good luck with next semester up at byu...kick butt!! :)

Sherri Romney said...

You crack me up. Glad you found me! Congrats on those grades...