My name is Katie and I believe in road trips amen.
Some of my best life memories involve hitting the road with family or a group of friends. I mean, who didn't love the days of strapping an old TV-VCR to a crate with a bungee cord so you could watch Sandlot and What About Bob with your siblings on a never-ending drive to Texas? (Just me?) ANYWAY. I'm happy to be teaming up with a handful of bloggers to set you up with some summer cash so you can hit the road yourself. (Or buy like 20 Sandlot DVDs and a six-pack of DP because 'MERICA!)

Hosts: Love, The Skinnys | Friday We're in Love
Co Hosts: Kelsey Bang | Life of a Coy Fish | Katilda | The Salty Mess
The Glittering Life | Bella | Little J Style | Haircut and a General Attitude
The Red Closet Diary | One Little Momma | Blushing Boulevard | Let Me See You Sparkle
The Freckled Fox | Indigo Pier | Wild One Forever | Oh So Delicioso
Co Hosts: Kelsey Bang | Life of a Coy Fish | Katilda | The Salty Mess
The Glittering Life | Bella | Little J Style | Haircut and a General Attitude
The Red Closet Diary | One Little Momma | Blushing Boulevard | Let Me See You Sparkle
The Freckled Fox | Indigo Pier | Wild One Forever | Oh So Delicioso
Let us help you out with your first road trip of the season by making your financial situation a little easier. How does $300 sound? Entries can be submitted until June 3rd. Open to international followers. All entries will be verified.
Awesome! Love taking trips so much
thanks for chance!
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