"down here, it's our time. it's our time down here. that's all over the second we ride up troy's bucket."

nothing like an applicable Goonies quote to really kick off a blog post.
OK now go read my new tagline under my "scruples" heading. now come back down here and keep reading this post. good.
here's the deal: i'm doing it. it? yes, it. all of it.
a year into my grown-up, cubicle existence ... i'm breaking free like dr. leo marvin and the death therapy. case in point: it's 3:27pm on a thursday afternoon and i am currently sitting in a hipster coffee shop with my feet kicked up on an antiquated coffee table.
i have to thank the economy for cutting my working hours in half and handing me this opportunity. i might not have gotten around to this of my own volition.
but when better to be dirt-poor and act on my elusive SOMEDAYS than right now?
someday i will...
be a freelance writer. because i have just enough faith in my skills.
live like a minimalist.
really dedicate myself to my service endeavors.
spend some substantial time in coffee shops.
write my book.
maybe write another book.
think seriously about becoming a legit runner.
become a resident expert on Isaiah.
record some music. maybe start a band.
perfect my homemade pie recipes.
and by "someday i will," i mean ... TODAY i will. right now.
today's view from my coffee-shop perch:
one girl studying for law school.
one dreadlocked man studying a "Meteorotics" textbook.
one well-dressed, spectacled young professional equipped with a laptop and a book of matches.
one girl pulling off a pixie haircut like no one i've ever seen.
now i really want to name my band dr. leo marvin & the death therapy
I'm teaching Isaiah on Sunday. You'll understand it 100% by the time my game is over.
I can't help you on the rest, but I feel that earns me a piece of that pie.
Funny that a non-coffee drinker wants to hang out at coffee shops ...
Katie, that picture at the top, it is fantastic! What is it??
p.s. I like coffee shops a lot too. It's hard to explain.
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