Sunday, October 23, 2011

dearest 1/2marty...we meet again!

all summer, any convo with mineself about a certain form of exercise went something like this:

hey katie

oh....oh hey

remember that time you used to be a runner?

mmm...yeah. i do kinda remember that.

so....what's the deal?

well it's summer,'s hot....

there's such a thing as a treadmill you know

well yes but then i'd have to go to the gym...

you could just get up early. it wouldn't be so bad.

but my precious sleep...

you're making an awful lot of excuses

i'm kind of over this conversation in a big way.

don't tune me out. didn't you LIKE running?

i can't hearrrrr yoouuu....
[turns out i'm really mature when i talk to myself.]



i figure it's about time for an announcement so ol' jiminy cricket in my head will stay out of my hooverdam bizness


i have officially registered to run another 1/2marty in january

applause! cheers! poetry snaps!

[me. ragnar del sol. remember that?]

looks like me and the ol' running shoes are about to re-form a seriously committed relationship

last year my goal was just to finish...

...this year i've got the clock on the brain
still negotiating my exact time goals
will report soon.

bring. it. on.

reminiscing on my running glory days:


Emma Frances said...

Dang you're skilled! I'm still having that first convo with myself. Except for minus any actual good excuses!

Carlie said...

Hello Back! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I couldn't find your email to write you back. We liked Number 4. It was a bit violent at the end, but an overall good story line.

And this post made me laugh out loud. I am glad you are going to keep Jiminy Cricket at bay by doing a half marathon! haha

Emily Sarah Brooks said...

OH you got this!!! I'm running my first halfy this Saturday. So glad I have a fellow attractive hilarious running blogger to share fun posts with :))